The next "Gerber Baby"
Ammon doesn't smile very much by him self, but if we touch his upper lip or the corner of his mouth he will smile for us. His hobbies are eating, sleeping, watching The Price is Right (with mom), reading Harry Potter, watching Star Wars (with Dad), and driving his mom and dad bonkers during his "once a night freak out," during which my mind turns to one of the coolest movies ever, The Incredibles. You know the part at the end when Jack-Jack is a normal baby then he transforms into a goblin, a ball of fire and a lead weight all within 30 seconds. It just amazes me sometimes how fast babies go form content to, deafening screams!!
Heather...gosh baby Ammon is cute. I think he and James look like each other. Of course, they both have EXCELLENT genes. :) Anyway, just wanted to let you know, I locked up our blog, if you'd like to still follow it, I can send you an invite, just send me an email to andersonland1973 at gmail dot com. :)